Daptics GraphQL API

Query (RootQueryType)

Field Argument Type Description
clientCompatibility SchemaVersionInfo Check to see if the Python API client is compatible with the current schema
clientVersion String A semantic version to check against (like '0.8')
currentTask Task Get the progress (if not completed) or the result (if completed) of the last un-archived task in the session. For non-admin users, returns information only if the session is owned by the user.
sessionId String! The session's id.
taskId String If provided, only returns information if the task's id matches.
type String If provided, only returns information if the task's type ('space', 'update', 'generate', 'simulate', or 'analytics') matches.
experiments Experiments Get the designed or completed experiments for the current or a previous generation. For non-admin users, returns information only if the session is owned by the user.
designOnly Boolean! If this argument is `true`, return only the designed experiments, not any extra experiments, and without responses.
gen Int (optional) The generation number to fetch. Use zero to get any initial experiments. Return the latest designed generation (without responses) if omitted.
sessionId String! The session's id.
experimentsHistory [Experiments] Get the experiments and responses for all generations. For non-admin users, returns information only if the session is owned by the user.
sessionId String! The session's id.
session Session Get session information. For admin-level user, get the session by id. For non-admin user, get the session only if it is owned by the user.
sessionId String! The session's id.
sessionParameters SessionParameters Get the experimental space and project parameters for a given session. For non-admin users, returns information only if the session is owned by the user.
sessionId String! The session's id.
sessions [SessionSummary] Search sessions. For Admin-level users, returns search over all sessions.
active Boolean If provided, list only active or inactive sessions.
demo Boolean If provided, list only demo or standard (not demo) sessions.
q String If provided, list only sessions with a partially matching id, tag, name or description.
userId String If provided, list only the sessions for this user.
tasks [Task] Get list of all, or just un-archived tasks in the session. For non-admin users, returns information only if the session is owned by the user.
includeArchived Boolean If omitted or false, limits the response to tasks that have not completed.
sessionId String! The session's id.
transaction Transaction Get the transaction by id. Admin-level users only.
txnId String! The transaction's id.
transactions [Transaction] Search transactions. For Admin-level users, returns search over all transactions.
q String A string to filter search on. If provided, will limit the response to matches on the transaction's memo.
sessionId String If provided, list only the transactions for this session.
txnKind String If provided, list only the transactions matching this kind.
txnStatus String If provided, list only the transactions matching this status.
txnType String If provided, list only the transactions matching this type.
userId String If provided, list only the transactions for this user.
user User For admin-level user, get a user by id. For non-admin user, return the currently logged-in user if the user_id matches.
userId String! The user's id (a generated base-36 hash).
users [UserSummary] For admin-level user, search all users. For non-admin user, returns a list containing just the currently logged-in user.
q String A string to filter search on. If provided, will limit the response to matches on a user's first name, last name or email address.

Mutation (RootMutationType)

Field Argument Type Description
agreeToTerms UserProfile Confirm acceptance that a user has agreed to a version of the daptics terms and conditions. If successful (version is valid), return the user account profile.
userId String! The user's id.
version String! The version of the terms and conditions that the user is agreeing to, a semantic version string like '1.0.0'
changePassword PasswordChanged Change a user's password, authenticating via header or password change token.
input ChangePasswordInput! The data used to authenticate and set the new password.
userId String The user's id, required if not authenticating via token.
confirmUser UserProfile Confirm and activate an inactive user account. If successful (token matches and has not expired and user account is inactive), return the user account profile.
token String! The confirmation token that was emailed to the user.
createAnalytics Task Start a 'generate' task to create analytics files for all generations in the session.
sessionId String! The session's id.
createSession Session Create and start a new session on a server, installing and initializing required application and user data files on the server.
session NewSessionInput! The target server, the session's name and description, and whether this is a demo or regular session.
createUser UserCreated Create an unconfirmed user account. The account's email address must be confirmed before it is activated.
createToken Boolean If true, an email message with a confirmation link will be mailed to the user.
promotionCode String If present, the promotion code that will be applied to the new user.
user NewUserInput! The first name, last name, email address and password for the new user.
generateDesign Task Start a 'generate' task using initial, extra and/or generated experiment responses.
gen Int! The generation number of the previously validated experiments and responses.
sessionId String! The session's id.
haltSession HaltSessionResult Disconnect from a previously created session.
sessionId String! The sesssion's id as returned by the createSession mutation.
login AuthenticationToken Log in a user by email and password. Use the returned token to authenticate other requests. Use the returned user_id to create new sessions.
email String! The user's email address.
password String! The user's password (in cleartext).
logout AuthenticationToken Log out a user, by revoking the access token. Returns information about the revoked token.
token String! The access token to revoke.
putExperimentalParameters Task Validate and start a 'space' task to save a session's experimental space parameters (space type, population size, replicates, total volume and experimental parameter definitions).
params SessionParametersInput! The experimental space parameters to use for the session.
sessionId String! The session's id.
putExperiments Task Validate initial, extra and/or generated experiment responses.
experiments ExperimentsInput! The experiments and responses to validate and save.
sessionId String! The session's id.
restartSession Session Restart a previously created session, re-initializing application and user data files.
sessionId String! The sesssion's id as returned by the createSession mutation.
runSimulation Task Validate and start a 'simulate' task to process several design generations.
ngens Int! The number of design generations to attempt.
params SessionParametersInput! The experimental space parameters to use for the session.
sessionId String! The session's id.
sendToken TokenSent Create and send a new confirmation or password reset token to a user.
email String! The user's email address.
tokenType String! The type of token requested (`confirm` or `reset`).
simulateResponses Experiments Generate simulated experiment responses for the current generation.
experiments DataFrameInput (Optional) The experiments for which responses will be generated, including initial or extra experiments.
sessionId String! The session's id.
updateSession SessionUpdated Update the name, description and/or active status for an existing session.
changes UpdateSessionInput Fields to be updated in the sesssion.
sessionId String! The sesssion's id.
updateTask Task Update, cancel or archive a task. For advanced users only!
sessionId String! The session's id.
task TaskInput! The task id and disposition.
updateUserProfile UserProfile Update the user's profile.
profile UserProfileInput! The first name, last name, email address and other information about the user.
userId String! The user's id.



Information about the analytics files available for the specified generation in a session.

Field Argument Type Description
files [AnalyticsFileInfo] The list of available file titles and locations.
gen Int! The last completed generation number.
sessionId String! The session's id.


Information about a single analytics file (PDF).

Field Argument Type Description
filename String! The file's name, like 'RespSortBarplotSequence.pdf'.
title String! The file's title, like 'Response Barplot Time Series'.
url String! The file's url, like 'https://api-files.daptics.ai/session/session_id/analytics/gen/1/RespSortBarplotSequence.pdf'.


Result of a create analytics task.

Field Argument Type Description
analytics Analytics Analytics file information.
errors [CategorizedError] Errors encountered when validating the experiments.
sessionId String! The session's id.
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('analytics').


Parameters that a session must use to access other resources.

Field Argument Type Description
apiBaseUri String! The URL for the session user to use to access the API.
apiKey String! The 'API key' for the session user to use to authenticate to the API.
loginUri String! The URL for the session user to use to log in.


A user access (a JWT encoded and signed) token, used to authenticate to the API.

Field Argument Type Description
claims String! All the claims stored in the token.
createdAt DateTime! The date and time that the token was created.
expiresAt DateTime! The date and time that the token will expire.
status String! The status of the the token ('active' or 'revoked').
token String! The token. Use this as the 'Bearer' value for the HTTP authorization header.
type String! The type of token ('access').
user UserProfile The user account associated with this token.


Information on current and remaining generations.

Field Argument Type Description
completed Boolean! True if the campaign has completed (no additional experiments can be generated).
gen Int! The generation number for the last-designed generation. -1 means experimental space parameters have not been validated.
remaining Int The number of remaining generations in the session, if available.


An error encountered while processing a query or mutation.

Field Argument Type Description
category String The type of error: 'validation', 'execution', 'system'.
fatalError Boolean True if the error is fatal.
message String! A description of the error.
path [String!] For validation errors, the path to the invalid input field.
systemError Boolean True if the error is an internal system error.


Result of a create session task.

Field Argument Type Description
active Boolean! True if this is an active (non-archived) session.
demo Boolean! True if this was created as a demo session.
description String! The session's description.
errors [CategorizedError] Errors encountered when creating the session.
host String! The id for the server associated with the session.
name String! The session's name (unique for the associated user).
sessionId String! The session's id.
tag String! The session's (unique) tag.
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('create').
version String The build version for the session, if available.


A representation of a data table (similar to a CSV file). Numerical data is converted to strings, and NULL data is converted to empty strings.

Field Argument Type Description
colHeaders [String]! The header row for the table.
data [[String]!]! A list of rows containing data. Each row in turn is a list of strings.
index [String] If returned, the row names for table.


The definition for a session's experimental space.

Field Argument Type Description
spaceSize Int The number of possible or explorable parameter combinations.
table DataFrame! The table of experimental parameters.
totalUnits Int For mixture spaces, the total number of volume units.
type String! The space's type ('factorial' or 'mixture').


A system-defined template for an experimental space.

Field Argument Type Description
name String! The type of template, ('factorial-default', 'mixture-default', 'factorial-demo-default', or 'mixture-demo-default').
template ExperimentalSpace! The experimental space parameters for this template.


Information about initial or subsequent experiments in a session.

Field Argument Type Description
designRows Int The number of experiments generated by the system.
gen Int! The generation number for the experiments.
hasResponses Boolean True if the experiment data in the associated table contains responses.
table DataFrame The experiment inputs (and possible responses) for the experiments.
validated Boolean True if the experiment data for this generation has been validated.


Result of a validate experiments task.

Field Argument Type Description
campaign CampaignInfo! Generation information.
errors [CategorizedError] Errors encountered when validating the experiments.
experiments Experiments Designed experiments for current generation.
params SessionParameters! Current validated experimental space parameters.
sessionId String! The session's id.
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('generate').


Information about a session that was disconnected.

Field Argument Type Description
action String! The action taken to halt the session.
sessionId String! The session's id.
status String! The current connection status of the session.


Confirming information for a password change.

Field Argument Type Description
updatedAt DateTime! The time that the password was updated.


Field Argument Type Description
taskUpdated Task Subscribe to updates for long-running tasks (creation, progress and completion).
sessionId String Filter by session: the id of the session whose tasks are to be be monitored.


Information about a change to the schema.

Field Argument Type Description
level String! The criticality of the change: `breaking`, `dangerous` or `non_breaking`.
message String! A description of the change.
path String! The path to the changed field.
safe Boolean! True if the change will not break existing contracts.


Information about the current schema version.

Field Argument Type Description
changes [SchemaChange]! Descriptions of any changes since the specified client version.
compatible Boolean True if there are no breaking or dangerous changes with the specified client version.
maximumClientVersion String The maximum Python client version required, if applicable.
minimumClientVersion String! The minimum Python client version required.
version String! The current API schema version number.


Complete information about a session.

Field Argument Type Description
active Boolean! True if this is an active (non-archived) session.
api ApiParameters! API location and key information.
auth AuthenticationToken Authorization information, if available.
campaign CampaignInfo! Generation information.
demo Boolean! True if this was created as a demo session.
description String! The session's description.
designedExperimentsCount Int Total number of designed experiments submitted, if available.
didCrash Boolean! True if this session crashed.
didRestart Boolean! True if this session was restarted.
experiments Experiments Designed experiments for current generation.
extraExperimentsCount Int Total number of initial and extra experiments submitted, if available.
host String! The id for the server associated with the session.
lastStartedAt DateTime The date and time that this session was last started.
latestCompletedExperiments Experiments Completed experiments from the previous generation.
name String! The session's name (unique for the associated user).
params SessionParameters! Current unvalidated or validated experimental space parameters.
platformMode String! Settings for the runtime platform (`development`, `test` or `production`).
sessionId String! The session's id.
spaceTemplates [ExperimentalSpaceTemplate!]! Experimental space parameter templates that can be used as examples.
tag String! The session's (unique) tag.
tasks [TaskSummary] Non-archived tasks, active or completed, in this session.
totalCost Int Total daptics credit charges for the campaign, if available.
user UserProfile The user profile associated with the session.
version String The build version for the session, if available.


Information about the experimental space parameters for a session.

Field Argument Type Description
designCost Int If the experimental space has been validated, the cost in daptic credits for each design generation.
populationSize Int! The experimental space's population size.
replicates Int! The number of replicates for the experimental space.
space ExperimentalSpace! The experimental space type and parameters.
validated Boolean! True if the session parameters (including the space) were validated.


Summary information about a session.

Field Argument Type Description
active Boolean! True if this is an active (non-archived) session.
demo Boolean! True if this was created as a demo session.
description String! The session's description.
designCost Int The cost in daptic credits for each design generation, if available.
designedExperimentsCount Int Total number of designed experiments submitted, if available.
extraExperimentsCount Int Total number of initial and extra experiments submitted, if available.
gen Int The current generation number, if available.
host String! The id for the server associated with the session.
lastStartedAt DateTime The date and time that this session was last started.
name String! The session's name (unique for the associated user).
parameterCount Int The number of experimental space parameters, if available.
sessionId String! The session's id.
spaceType String Space type, if available.
tag String! The session's (unique) tag.
totalCost Int Total daptics credit charges for the campaign, if available.
userId String The id of the user associated with the session.
version String The build version for the session, if available.


Confirming information for a session update (name, description and/or active status).

Field Argument Type Description
active Boolean! True if this is an active (non-archived) session.
demo Boolean! True if this was created as a demo session.
description String! The session's description.
host String! The id for the server associated with the session.
name String! The session's name (unique for the associated user).
sessionId String! The session's id.
tag String! The session's (unique) tag.
updatedAt DateTime! The time that the session was updated.
version String The build version for the session, if available.


Result of a simulate experiments task.

Field Argument Type Description
campaign CampaignInfo! Information on the last generation.
errors [CategorizedError] Errors encountered when validating the experimental space.
experimentsHistory [Experiments] Experiments and responses for all generations.
params SessionParameters! Current validated experimental space parameters.
sessionId String! The session's id.
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('simulate').


Result of a validate experimental space parameters task.

Field Argument Type Description
campaign CampaignInfo! Generation information.
errors [CategorizedError] Errors encountered when validating the experimental space.
params SessionParameters! Current validated experimental space parameters.
sessionId String! The session's id.
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('space').


Information on a long-running task in a daptics session.

Field Argument Type Description
archived Boolean! True if the task is no longer active and has been flagged as archived.
description String The task's description.
errors [CategorizedError] Errors returned by a failed or canceled task.
gen Int! The generation number when the task was started.
progress TaskProgress Progress message reported by a currently executing task.
result TaskResult The result returned if the task has completed (null otherwise).
sessionId String! The session's id.
startedAt DateTime The date and time the task was started.
status String! The task's status ('new', 'running', 'success', 'failed', or 'canceled').
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('space', 'update', 'generate', 'simulate', or 'analytics').


Progress information about a currently executing task.

Field Argument Type Description
message String! A description of the last activity returned by the task.
percent Int The completion percentage, if available.
phase String The task's phase ('allocating', 'validating', 'executing', 'detached', or 'completed').


Summary information on a long-running task in a daptics session.

Field Argument Type Description
archived Boolean! True if the task is no longer active and has been flagged as archived.
description String The task's description.
gen Int! The generation number when the task was started.
sessionId String! The session's id.
startedAt DateTime The date and time the task was started.
status String! The task's status ('new', 'running', 'success', 'failed', or 'canceled').
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('space', 'update', 'generate', 'simulate', or 'analytics').


Confirming information returned when a confirmation code was sent to an unconfirmed user.

Field Argument Type Description
sentAt DateTime! The time when the code was delivered.
sentTo [String!]! The email address(es) the code was delivered to.
tokenType String! The type of token sent to the user.


Information about a single pending, posted, or canceled financial transaction.

Field Argument Type Description
amountInCents Int! The amount of the transaction (debit as negative, credit as positive), in cents.
amountInPdt Int! The amount of the transaction (debit as negative, credit as positive), in daptic credits.
createdAt DateTime! The date and time that the transaction was created.
gatewayTransactionId String The payment processor's transaction id, if any.
memo String! A description of the transacation.
promotionCode String The promotion code, if any.
refTxnId String The transaction id of the original transaction if this is transaction is a refund.
remainingBalanceInCents Int The user account's remaining available balance, in cents, after this transaction.
remainingBalanceInPdt Int The user account's remaining available balance, in daptic credits, after this transaction.
sessionId String The id of the associated session, if any.
taskId String The id of the ('generate') task associated with the transaction, if any.
txnAuthor String! The user id of the user who created the transaction.
txnId String! The transaction's id (a generated hash).
txnKind String! The kind of the transaction. (`pdt_charge`, `sale`, `refund`, `sign_up`, `coupon`, or `bonus`).
txnStatus String! The status of the transaction (`authorized`, `posted`, or `canceled`).
txnType String! The type of the transaction. (`session`, `braintree`, `promotion` or `admin`).
updatedAt DateTime! The date and time that the transaction was last updated.
user UserProfile! Profile and activity information for the associated user's account.


Result of a put experiments task.

Field Argument Type Description
campaign CampaignInfo! Generation information.
errors [CategorizedError] Errors encountered when validating the experiments.
experiments Experiments Validated experiments saved in current generation.
params SessionParameters! Current validated experimental space parameters.
sessionId String! The session's id.
taskId String! The task's id.
type String! The task's type ('update').


Full information for a user account.

Field Argument Type Description
addr String The first line of the user's address.
addr2 String The second line of the user's address.
addr3 String The third line of the user's address.
city String The user's city.
company String The user's company.
confirmedAt DateTime The date and time that the user's account was confirmed.
country String The user's country code (4 characters maximum).
currentBalanceInCents Int! The currently available balance for the user's account, in cemts.
currentBalanceInPdt Int! The currently available balance for the user's account, in daptic credits.
disabledAt DateTime The date and time that the user's account was disabled.
email String! The user's email address.
firstName String! The user's first name.
lastActiveSession String The session id of the last active session.
lastLoginAt DateTime The date and time that the user account last logged into a session.
lastName String! The user's last name.
phone String The user's telephone number.
registeredAt DateTime! The date and time that the user's account was created.
sessions [SessionSummary]! The sessions owned by the user.
state String The user's state or province code (3 characters maximum).
status String! The user's account status ('unconfirmed', 'active', or 'disabled').
suffix String The user's suffix (`Jr.`, etc.).
termsVersionAgreed String The version of the terms and conditions that the user has agreed to.
title String The user's title (`Mr.`, etc.).
updatedAt DateTime! The date and time that data in the user's account was last updated.
userId String! The user's id.
userLevel String! The user's permission level.
zip String The user's postal code.


Confirming information returned when a user account was successfully created.

Field Argument Type Description
email String The new user's email address.
firstName String The new user's first name.
lastName String The new user's last name.
promotionCode String The promotion code applied to the new user account.
registeredAt DateTime! The date and time that the new user's account was created.


Profile information for a user account.

Field Argument Type Description
addr String The first line of the user's address.
addr2 String The second line of the user's address.
addr3 String The third line of the user's address.
city String The user's city.
company String The user's company.
country String The user's country code (4 characters maximum).
email String! The user's email address.
firstName String! The user's first name.
lastName String! The user's last name.
phone String The user's telephone number.
registeredAt DateTime! The date and time that the user's account was created.
state String The user's state or province code (3 characters maximum).
status String! The user's account status ('unconfirmed', 'active', or 'disabled').
suffix String The user's suffix (`Jr.`, etc.).
termsVersionAgreed String The version of the terms and conditions that the user has agreed to.
title String The user's title (`Mr.`, etc.).
updatedAt DateTime! The date and time that the user's account was last modified.
userId String! The user's id.
zip String The user's postal code.


Profile and activity information for a user account.

Field Argument Type Description
addr String The first line of the user's address.
addr2 String The second line of the user's address.
addr3 String The third line of the user's address.
city String The user's city.
company String The user's company.
country String The user's country code (4 characters maximum).
currentBalanceInCents Int! The currently available balance for the user's account, in cemts.
currentBalanceInPdt Int! The currently available balance for the user's account, in daptic credits.
email String! The user's email address.
firstName String! The user's first name.
lastActiveSession String The session id of the last active session.
lastLoginAt DateTime The date and time that the user account last logged into a session.
lastName String! The user's last name.
phone String The user's telephone number.
registeredAt DateTime! The date and time that the user's account was created.
state String The user's state or province code (3 characters maximum).
status String! The user's account status ('unconfirmed', 'active', or 'disabled').
suffix String The user's suffix (`Jr.`, etc.).
termsVersionAgreed String The version of the terms and conditions that the user has agreed to.
title String The user's title (`Mr.`, etc.).
updatedAt DateTime! The date and time that data in the user's account was last updated.
userId String! The user's id.
userLevel String! The user's permission level.
zip String The user's postal code.



An advanced experimental space parameter.

Field Type Description
jsonValue String! The parameter's value, encoded as a JSON string.
name String! The parameter name.


Input fields for changing the password on a user account.

Field Type Description
email String The user's email address, required if changing via token authentication.
password String! The cleartext password for the user account.
token String The password change token, required if changing via token authentication.


Table data for experimental parameters or experimental responses (similar to a CSV file).

Field Type Description
colHeaders [String!]! Column headers for the table.
data [[String]!]! Data rows for the table. Each row is a list of strings. Numerical data must be expressed as a string, and a NULL value must be expressed as an empty string.
index [String!] Row names for the table (ignored).


Input fields for submitting experimental responses to be validated to then to create the next design gneration.

Field Type Description
gen Int! The current generation number. Use zero to submit initial experiments or just to proceed to the first design generation without any initial experiments.
table DataFrameInput The experiments and their responses. Required if gen is greater than zero.
type String! The type of experiments being submitted, 'initial', 'designed', or 'final'.


Input fields for creating a new session.

Field Type Description
demo Boolean! True if this is a demo session.
description String! A description for the session.
location String If provided, the id of the server on which the session will be created.
name String! The name of the session (unique for the user).
userId String! The id for the associated user account.


Input fields for creating a new user account.

Field Type Description
email String! The user's email address.
firstName String! The user's first name.
lastName String! The user's last name.
password String! The cleartext password for the user account.


Input fields for validating a session's experimental space parameters.

Field Type Description
additionalParams [AdditionalParameterInput] Additional advanced parameters for modeling and sampling.
populationSize Int! The population size.
replicates Int! The number of replicates (zero or greater).
space SpaceInput! The space type and definition of experimental parameters.
willResetCampaign Boolean True to discard all experiments and reset any existing validated experimental space parameters.


Input fields for validating an experimental space.

Field Type Description
table DataFrameInput! The experimental parameters, in a table.
totalUnits Int If a mixture space, the total number of volume units.
type String! The space type, 'factorial' or 'mixture'.


Input fields for updating or archiving a task.

Field Type Description
archived Boolean To archive this task, set the `archived` field to true.
status String To cancel this task, set the `status` field to 'canceled'.
taskId String! The task's id.


Input fields for updating a session.

Field Type Description
active Boolean If provided, whether the session should be listed as active.
description String If provided, the updated description for the sesssion.
name String If provided, the updated name for the sesssion.


Profile information for a user account.

Field Type Description
addr String The first line of the user's address.
addr2 String The second line of the user's address.
addr3 String The third line of the user's address.
city String The user's city.
company String The user's company.
country String The user's country code (4 characters maximum).
email String The user's email address.
firstName String The user's first name.
lastName String The user's last name.
phone String The user's telephone number.
state String The user's state or province code (3 characters maximum).
suffix String The user's suffix (`Jr.`, etc.).
title String The user's title (`Mr.`, etc.).
zip String The user's postal code.



The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.


The DateTime scalar type represents a date and time in the UTC timezone. The DateTime appears in a JSON response as an ISO8601 formatted string, including UTC timezone ("Z"). The parsed date and time string will be converted to UTC if there is an offset.


The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^53 - 1) and 2^53 - 1 since it is represented in JSON as double-precision floating point numbers specified by IEEE 754.


The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.



The result returned by a completed task.

Type Description
AnalyticsTaskResult Result of a create analytics task.
CreateTaskResult Result of a create session task.
GenerateTaskResult Result of a validate experiments task.
SimulateTaskResult Result of a simulate experiments task.
SpaceTaskResult Result of a validate experimental space parameters task.
UpdateTaskResult Result of a put experiments task.