
Python API Client

See comments and docstrings for the DapticsClient class in the code below for suggestions for using this class. For additional help or information, please visit or contact daptics:

Daptics API Version 0.12.0 Copyright (c) 2021 Daptics Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, and/or distribute, copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

You do not have the right to sub-license or sell copies of the Software.

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



Function can_set_result

def can_set_result(future)

Helper function to see if a future is done or canceled.

Function log_task_coroutine

async def log_task_coroutine(task, **kwargs)

A useful coroutine (callback) that can be be called asynchronously if the "run_tasks_async" option has been set in the client. This coroutine logs progress information to a file named daptics_task.log in the current directory.


Class CsvFileEmptyError

class CsvFileEmptyError(fname)

An error raised if there were no rows that could be read from the specified CSV file.

Class CsvNoDataRowsError

class CsvNoDataRowsError(fname)

An error raised if there were no rows after the header row that could be read from the specified CSV file.

Class DapticsClient

class DapticsClient(host=None, config=None)

A Python GraphQL client for maintaining the state of a Daptics optimization session. Between API invocations, data such as the user id, access token, session id, last generated design, etc. are retained in the object's attributes.

host (str): The host part of the API endpoint, as read from configuration, or set manually prior to calling connect.

config (str): File path to a JSON configuration file, used to read the host, login credentials and runtime options. Defaults to daptics.conf. The items in the JSON file are:

host - host part of the API endpoint

user - email of the database user to login with

password - password for the database user to login with

auto_export_path - see options below

auto_generate_next_design - see options below

auto_task_timeout - see options below

run_tasks_async - see options below

verify_ssl_certificates - see options below

If `config is set to None, configuration can be read from OS environment variables, if they exist. The environment variable names are:

DAPTICS_HOST - host part of the API endpoint

DAPTICS_USER - email of the database user to login with

DAPTICS_PASSWORD - password for the database user to login with

DAPTICS_AUTO_EXPORT_PATH - see options below


DAPTICS_AUTO_TASK_TIMEOUT - see options below

DAPTICS_RUN_TASKS_ASYNC - see options below


options (dict): A Python dict containing runtime options. As of this version, there are four available options:

auto_export_path - If not None, a string indicating the relative or absolute directory where the validated experimental space and generated design files will be saved, so that the user will not have to explicitly call the export functions.

auto_generate_next_design - If set (True), uploading (initial or later) experiment responses will automatically start a generate task for the next design generation. If not set (None or False), the uploading will only validate the responses, and the user will have to call the generate task manually after a successful validation.

auto_task_timeout - If set to a positive number indicating the number of seconds to wait, this option will immediately start to wait on a just-created task, so that the user will not have to explicitly call poll_for_current_task or wait_for_current_task. Setting this option to a negative number, means to wait indefinitely. Setting the option to zero will poll the task just once. The default, None, means that the user wants to explicitly call poll_for_current_task or wait_for_current_task.

run_tasks_async - If set (True), methods that start long-running tasks (put_experimental_parameters, put_experiments, generate_design, run_simulation, and create_analytics) will be run in an asynchronous event loop. Normally you will only set this flag if you want to receive progress information via a coroutine (callback) function.

verify_ssl_certificates - If set (True), strict checking of the validity of the API server's SSL certificates will be done when the connect method is called. Set this to False, with extreme caution, to disable this check.

Class variables


The default location for the option configuration file.


The names of required experimental space parameters.


Instance variables

Variable analytics

A Python dict containing information and links to available analytics files, as updated by the result of a "analytics" task.

Variable api_url

The full API endpoint URL.

Variable auth

A requests.auth object used to insert the required authorization header in API requests. The auth object's token attribute is set by the login method.

Variable client_version

The version number of this client.

Variable completed

A boolean indicating whether the design space has been completely explored.

Variable config

The file path to the JSON configuration file used to read the host, login credentials and runtime options.

Variable credentials

A tuple of (username, password), as read from configuration, or set manually prior to calling login.

Variable design

A Python dict containing the current generated design, as updated by the result of a "generate" task.

Variable experiments_history

A list of Python dicts containing all the experiments and responses that have been simulated, as updated by the result of a "simulate" task.

Variable gen

An integer storing the current design "generation number" for the session. This is -1 for a new session, 0 when the session's experimental space has been validated, and greater than zero when a design has been generated by the system.

Variable gql

The gql.Client object used to make GraphQL requests to the API.

Variable host

The host part of the API endpoint, as read from configuration, or set manually prior to calling connect.

Variable initial_params

A Python dict containing the experimental space parameters defaults as initially returned by the create_session method.

Variable options

A Python dict containing the runtime options.

Variable pp

A pprint.PrettyPrinter object used for printing Python dicts.

Variable remaining

If not None, an integer representing the number of possible generations that can be generated until the entire design space has been explored.

Variable session_id

The session id for a connected Daptics session, as set by the create_session method.

Variable session_name

The name of the connected Daptics session, as set by the create_session method.

Variable session_tag

The tag (a read-only identifier) of the connected Daptics session, as set by the create_session method.

Variable task_info

A Python dict that holds information about the polling status for running tasks in the session.

Variable task_updated_coroutine

A user-specified coroutine (callback) that will be called with information on task progress. The coroutine will be called with a Python dict containing progress and status items. Optional keyword arguments that the coroutine will receive can be specified by setting the client's task_updated_kwargs attribute.

If you supply a coroutine, the coroutine MUST be defined as async and MUST return a boolean value. The return value of your coroutine indicates whether you wish to continue receiving the callback for the current task. Generally, you should return False if the status value of the task does not have the value "running", meaning that the the task has completed or failed.

Here's a simple example of a coroutine. See the code for log_task_coroutine() in this module for another example.

async def my_coroutine(task, **kwargs):
    if 'progress' in task:

    if task['status'] == 'running':
        # Return True to continue receiving callbacks
        return True

    # Return False to stop receiving callbacks
    return False
Variable task_updated_kwargs

User-specified keyword dictionary to be passed to the async task updated coroutine.

Variable user_id

The user id for the authenticated user, set by the login method.

Variable validated_params

A Python dict containing the experimental space parameters as updated from the result of a "space" task.

Variable websocket_url

The full websocket endpoint URL.


Method call_api

def call_api(self, document, vars, timeout=None)

Performs validation on the GraphQL query or mutation document and then executes the query, returning both the data and errors items from the JSON response.


document (str): The GraphQL query document, as a string.

vars (dict): A python 'dict' containing the variables for the query.

timeout (float, optional): The maximum number of seconds to wait before a response is returned.


data (dict): The data item of the GraphQL response, a Python dict with an item whose key is the GraphQL query name for the request.

errors (list): The errors item of the GraphQL response. Each item in the list is guaranteed to have a message item.


Either data or errors may be None. Exceptions encountered during the request are converted into an item in the errors list.

Method check_api_compatibility

def check_api_compatibility(self)

Checks the version of this client against the requirements of the api at the connected host.


dict containing minimumClientVersion and compatibility information.


Exception if the (older) API does not support checking version compatibility.

Method connect

def connect(self)

Reads and processes client configuration, and instantiates the client if it has not been done before. Creates an HTTP transport instance from the client's api_url attribute, and attempts to connect to the introspection interface. The gql.Client value is stored in the client's gql attribute.




IncompatibleApiError If the API at requires a higher client version number.

MissingConfigError If the config file specified does not exist.

InvalidConfigError If the config file specified cannot be parsed, or does not have a 'host' value.

NoHostError If there is no config file specifed and no host has been set.

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError If the connection cannot be made.

Method create_session

def create_session(self, name, description)

Creates a new daptics session.


name (str): The unique name for the session among the authenticated user's sessions.

description (str): A description for the session.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a createSession item.


On successful creation, the session id, session name and initial parameters are stored in the client's attributes.

Method download_all_analytics_files

def download_all_analytics_files(self, analytics, directory='.', name_by_gen=False)

Processes the result of an "analytics" task for all the available analytics by downloading the contents of each file, and saving them to the specified directory.

For each file, download its contents and save it in the specified directory.


analytics (dict): The analytics dict from the results of an "analytics" task, with gen, and files items. You can use to use the most recent analytics results.

directory (str, optional): If supplied, the target directory to save the files to. If the directory does not exist, attempt to create it.

name_by_gen (bool, optional): If true, auto_genN_ will be prefixed to each file name.


file_count (int): The number of files created.


PermissionError If the user does not have permission to create directories or files in the specified directory.

Method download_analytics_file

def download_analytics_file(self, file_url, fname)

Gets the contents of an analytics file. Once a URL to a particular analytics file has been obtained from the result of an "analytics" task, specify the url and filename values from the result as the arguments to this convenience method to request the file's contents over HTTP, submitting a request with the authentication token that was stored in the client.


url (str): The URL for the file, as returned from the result of an "analytics" task.

fname (str): Save the file's contents to this file system location. The directory that the file will be created in must exist and the user must have permission to create files in that directory.


response (requests.Response) The requests library's response object for the authenticated HTTP request.


PermissionError If the user does not have permission to create a file at the specified file system location.

Method download_url_and_params

def download_url_and_params(self, url)

Strips the query string from the given url, then checks to see if there is a 'token' entry in it. If not, uses the client's authentication token if it exists.


url (str): The download url, usually with query string containing an encrpyted token.


(url, params): A 2-tuple containing the url minus the query string, and a params Python dictionary, containing the token.

Method error_messages

def error_messages(self, errors)

Extracts the message values from the errors list returned in a GraphQL response.


errors (list): The list of GraphQL errors. Each error must have a message value, and can optionally have key, path and locations values.


message (str or list): The message (or messages) extracted from the GraphQL response.

Method execute_query

def execute_query(self, document, vars, timeout=None)

Performs validation on the GraphQL query or mutation document and then executes the query. Converts errors returned by gql into GraphQLError errors.


document (str): The GraphQL query document, as a string.

vars (dict): A python 'dict' containing the variables for the query.

timeout (float, optional): The maximum number of seconds to wait before a response is returned.


data (dict): The data item of the GraphQL response, a Python dict with an item whose key is the GraphQL query name for the request.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.

Method experiment_with_random_response

def experiment_with_random_response(self, experiment, max_response_value)

Uses a random number generator to generate a numerical response value in the range [0, n] and then replaces any existing response value with the generated value.


experiment (list): A list of values representing an experiment, including a (possibly empty) response value.

max_response_value (float): The maximum random response value to be generated for the experiment.


experiment (list): The list of parameter values for the specified experiment, and a generated response value. Each value is encoded as a string.

Method experiments_table_column_names

def experiments_table_column_names(self, space)

Generates the required header for the experiments table, including the names of each parameter in the experimental space, and the reserved name "Response" for the experiment response value.


space (dict): A Python dict that defines the experimental space.


column_headers (list): The list is made up from the names of all parameters, and the additional string "Response".

Method experiments_table_template

def experiments_table_template(self, space)

Generates the column header for the experiments table, with no data rows. Can be used to export an empty experiments table template CSV file, or to submit "empty" initial experiments.


space (dict): A Python dict that defines the experimental space.


table (dict): A Python dict with with a colHeaders item containing the column header row, and an empty data list item.

Method export_csv

def export_csv(self, fname, table, headers=True)

Writes an experimental space or experiments table to a CSV file on disk.


fname (str): The filesystem path where the file will be written.

table (dict): A Python dict with colHeaders and data items, representing an experimental space or experiments table.

headers (bool, optional): If False, no header row will be written (this is the standard for experimental space CSV files). If True, the header row will be written to the file.


There is nothing returned by this method.

Method export_experimental_space_csv

def export_experimental_space_csv(self, fname)

Gets the validated experimental space table and writes the table to a CSV file on disk.


fname (str): The filesystem path where the file will be written.


space (dict): A Python dict representing the validated experimental space.

Method export_experiments_history_csv

def export_experiments_history_csv(self, fname)

Gets and returns the experiments and responses for all generations in the session, and writes them to a summary CSV file on disk. Also updates the experiments_history attribute in the client.


fname (str): The filesystem path where the file will be written.


experiments_history (list): or None The value of the client's experiments_history attribute, which may be None if no experiments have been submitted or designed, or is a list of dicts. See the documentation for the get_experiments_history method for a description of this value.


The CSV file for the experiments history contains three extra columns, "Seq_", "Gen_", and "Designed_", in addition to the standard experiments CSV columns (the input arameters for the experimental space, and the "Response" column). For each data row in the CSV file, "Seq_" will be a sequential index, starting at 1, "Gen_" will contain the generation number for the experiment, and "Designed_" will be "Y" if the experiment was designed by the daptics process, or "N" if the experiment was an initial or extra experiment submitted by the user.

Method export_generated_design_csv

def export_generated_design_csv(self, fname, gen=None)

Gets a design generation from the session, and writes the table (with empty responses) to a CSV file on disk.


fname (str): The filesystem path where the file will be written.

gen (int, optional): The generation number for the design to be retrieved. If None, retreive the design for the current generation.


design_table (dict): The generated design, a Python dict representing an experiments table with empty responses with colHeaders, and data keys.

Method export_initial_experiments_template_csv

def export_initial_experiments_template_csv(self, fname)

Gets the validated experimental space table and writes an empty initial experiments table to a CSV file on disk.


fname (str): The filesystem path where the file will be written.


column_headers (list): The experiments table header row that was written to disk, as a list of strings.

Method generate_analytics

def generate_analytics(self)

Starts an "analytics" task that will create and return a list of all the available analytics files for the session at the current design generation.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a createAnalytics item. The createAnalytics value will contain information on the "analytics" task that was started, as described in the return value for the poll_for_current_task method.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.

# Notes

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "analytics" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['createAnalytics']['result'].

If the task completes successfully and the auto_export_path option is set, the set of all available PDF analytics files for the generation will be downloaded to that directory. The file name for each of the downloaded files will have the prefix auto_genN_ where N is the generation number.

Method generate_design

def generate_design(self, gen=None)

If (initial or subsequent) experiments have been successfully validated against the experimental parameters, a "generate" task is started.


gen (int, optional): The current generation number for the experiments that have successfully validated. Use zero for initial experiments. Use None to use the gen attribute stored in the client.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a generateDesign item. The generateDesign contains information on the "generate" task that was started, as described in the return value for the poll_for_current_task method.


GraphQLError If the task failed or timed out.


If the auto_export_path option is set, a CSV file of the generated design is saved at auto_genN_design.csv.

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "generate" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['generateDesign']['result'].

See the documentation on the "generate" task result in the poll_for_current_task method for information on the CSV file generated if the auto_export_path option is set.

Method get_experimental_space

def get_experimental_space(self)

Utility method to retrieve the validated experimental space from the session. If the session was restarted and the experimental space had been previously validated, it will be in the validated_params attribute of the client, and this method will return it.


space (dict): The validated space, a Python dict with type, and table items, and a totalUnits item if the space type is "mixture", or None if the space has not been validated.

Method get_experiments

def get_experiments(self, design_only=False, gen=None)

Gets the designed or completed experiments for the current or any previous generation.


design_only (bool): If gen is specified, and this argument is set to True, only return the designed experiments (without responses).

gen (int): The generation number to search for. Use 0 to specify initial experiments. Use None to search for the last designed generation.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with an experiments item. The experiments value is a dict containing these items:

validated (bool): True if these experiments have been validated.

hasResponses (bool): True if at least some of these experiments have responses.

designRows (int): The number of rows of experiments that were designed. Rows after the designRows are "extra" experiments.

table (dict): A Python dict with colHeaders and data items, representing the experiments submitted or designed for the generation.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.

Method get_experiments_history

def get_experiments_history(self)

Gets all of the experiments and any responses for all the generations in the session.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with an experimentsHistory item. The experimentsHistory value is either None if no experiments have been submitted or designed, or a list. Each item in the list is either None, or a dict with information about a generation. The first item in the list is for generation "zero", the initial experiments.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.


Each generation available in the list (not None), is a Python dict with the following items:

gen (int): The generation number (zero meaning initial experiments).

validated (bool): True if these experiments have been validated.

hasResponses (bool): True if at least some of these experiments have responses.

designRows (int): The number of rows of experiments that were designed. Rows after the designRows are "extra" experiments.

table (dict): A Python dict with colHeaders and data values, representing the experiments submitted or designed for the generation.

This method also updates the client's experiments_history attribute.

Method get_generated_design

def get_generated_design(self, gen=None)

Gets a design generation from the session.


gen (int): The generation number for the design to be retrieved. If None, retreive the design for the current generation.


experiments (dict): The value of the experiments item from the GraphQL response, a Python dict with these items:

validated (bool): True if these experiments have been validated.

hasResponses (bool): True if at least some of these experiments have responses.

designRows (int): The number of rows of experiments that were designed. Rows after the designRows are "extra" experiments.

table (dict): A Python dict with colHeaders and data values, representing the experiments submitted or designed for the generation.

Method halt_session

def halt_session(self, session_id)

Closes an connected session, to release all resources.


session_id (str): The session id to close.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a haltSession item. The 'haltSession' value is a dict containing these items:

action (str): The action taken, either 'close' (if the session was connected) or 'none' if had previously been closed.

status (str): The session status, which should always be 'closed', if the action was successful, or if the sesson had previously been closed.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.

Method init_config

def init_config(self)

Reads and processes the client configuration from either a configuration file or from environment variables.


MissingConfigError If the config file specified does not exist.

InvalidConfigError If the config file specified cannot be parsed, or does not have a 'host' value.


There is nothing returned by this method.

Method list_sessions

def list_sessions(self, user_id=None, name=None)

Returns a list of all the user's sessions.


user_id (str): (optional) Limit the results to the user with this id. Omitting this argument is normal for regular users.

name (str): (optional) Limit the results to any session whose name, description, tag or id contains this string.


data (list): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a sessions item. The sessions value is a list, where each item in the list is a Python dict containing summary information about the session`s identifier, name, and description.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.

Method load

def load(self, fname)

Restores a previously saved client from a JSON file.


fname (str): The file path to restore the client state from.


There is nothing returned by this method.

Method login

def login(self, email=None, password=None)

Authenticates to a user record in the database as identified in the client's email and password attributes, and create an access token.


email (str): The email adddress of the database user that will be used for authentication.

password (str): The cleartext password of the database user that will be used for authentication.

If called with default (None) arguments, the email and password will be retrieved from the credentials attribute.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a login item. The login item is a dict with these items:

token (str): The access token to be used for user access to the API.

user (dict): A Python dict with one string item, userId, that can be used to create sessions.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.


On successful authentication, the user id and access token are stored in the client's user_id and auth attributes. On failure the value of the login item in the returned dict will be None.

Method poll_for_current_task

def poll_for_current_task(self, task_type=None)

If there is a currently running task saved in the client, poll the session to see if a result is ready.


task_type (DapticsTaskType): SPACE, UPDATE, GENERATE, SIMULATE, ANALYTICS, or None. If None is supplied (the default), find the most recently started task of any type.


data (dict): The data item of the GraphQL response, a Python dict with a currentTask item, described below.

errors (list): The errors item of the GraphQL response. Each item in the list is guaranteed to have a message item.


Either data or errors may be None.

The currentTask value returned is a Python dict containing information on the task (if found). The items in the dict are as follows:

taskId (str): The unique identifier for the task.

type (str): The type of task, either "space", "update", "generate", "simulate", or "analytics".

description (str): A user-friendly description of what the task is.

startedAt (str): An ISO 8601 string value of the UTC time at which the task was started.

status (str): The status of the task, either new, running, success, failed, or canceled.

result (dict): If the status of the task is success, the value of the result is another Python dict. The results for each type of task are as follows:

Result for "space" Tasks

The result for all tasks is a Python dict. For the "space" task, the dict has two items, campaign and params:

campaign (dict): A Python dict with these items:

gen (int): The generation number for the session (0).

remaining (int): If available, how many more generations can be performed.

completed (bool): If available, whether the campaign has been completed.

params (dict): A Python dict with these items:

validated (bool): True if the space was validated.

designCost (int): If available, the cost in daptics credit that will be deducted from the user's account for each design generation.

populationSize, replicates, and space: See the description for these values in the documentation for the arguments for the put_experimetal_parameters method.

If a "space" task has successfully completed, the client's gen attribute is set to zero.

Also, if the auto_export_path option is set, a CSV file named "auto_validated_space.csv" is written at that directory, containing the experimental space parameters.

Result for "update" Tasks

The result for an "update" task will contain all the items as the result for a "space" task, described above, with an additional experiments item:

experiments (dict): A Python dict with these items:

gen (int): The generation number for this set of experiments.

validated (bool): True if the experiments validated successfully.

hasResponses (bool): True if any of the experiments in this set were submitted with responses.

designRows (int): The number of rows of daptics-designed experiments in this set of experiments. designRows will be zero if these are initial experiments.

table (dict): A Python dict with colHeaders and data items, as described in the arguments for the put_experiments method.

If the auto_generate_next_design option has been set on the client, when an "update" task completes, a "generate" task will be automatically started. The information on the "generate" task will be returned in the location data['currentTask']['autoGenerateTask'].

If the auto_task_timeout option has also been set, and the "generate" task result has completed, the result (containing the next generation design), will be available at the location data['currentTask']['autoGenerateTask']['result'], formatted as described below.

Also, if the auto_export_path option is set, a CSV file named "auto_genN_experiments.csv" is written at that directory, containing the validated experiments, where "N" is the generation number.

Result for "generate" Tasks

The result for a "generate" task has the same structure as the result for a "update" task, described above. The experiments value will contain the generated design, and the hasResponses value within the design will be False, as the generated design returned in the result will not have responses.

If the "generate" task has successfully completed, the client's gen attribute is updated to a number greater than zero, and the generated design from the experiments value will be stored in the client's design attribute.

Also, if the auto_export_path option is set, a CSV file named "auto_genN_design.csv" is written at that directory, containing the designed experiments, where "N" is the generation number.

Result for "simulate" Tasks

The result for a "simulate" task will contain all the items as the result for a "space" task, described above, with one additional item, experimentsHistory:

experimentsHistory (list): A list of all the experiments in generations 1 through N, that were simulated. Each element of the list will be a Python dict with gen, validated, hasResponses, designRows and table items as described above in the documentation for the result of an "update" task.

If the auto_export_path option is set, a CSV file named "auto_history.csv" is written at that directory, containing all the simulated experiments. See the documentation for the export_experiments_history_csv method for a description of this file's contents.

Result for "analytics" Tasks

The result dict will have one item, analytics:

analytics (dict): A Python dict with these items:

gen (int): The current generation number that the analytics were generated for.

files (list): A list of Python dicts, with information about each analytics file generated.

Information about each file is contained in a Python dict with these items:

title (str): The title (caption) describing the file.

filename (str): The suggested filename to save the file to.

url (str): The HTTP URL where the file can be downloaded. A valid authentication token for the user must be included as the value of a token query string parameter added to the URL for the download request.

If the "analytics" task has successfully completed, the analytics Python dict, containing the generation number and file list, will be stored in the client's analytics attribute.

If the auto_export_path option is set, the set of all available PDF analytics files for the generation will be downloaded to that directory. The file name for each of the downloaded files will have the prefix auto_genN_ where N is the generation number.

Method print

def print(self)

Prints out debugging information about the session.

Method put_experimental_parameters

def put_experimental_parameters(self, params)

Validates the experimental parameters at the beginning of a session, and starts a "space" task. The individual experimental parameter names, types and permissible values in the space definition are specified at the ['space']['table'] key of the params dict.


params (dict): A Python dict containing the experimental parameters to be used for the session. See the Notes section that describes the required items for the params dict.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a putExperimentalParameters item. The putExperimentalParameters value is a Python dict with information about the "space" task.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.


If the task was successfully started, the task information is stored in the client's task_info attribute.

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "space" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['putExperimentalParameters']['result'].

See the documentation on the "space" task result in the poll_for_current_task method for information on the CSV file generated if the auto_export_path option is set.

These are the required items for the params dict:

populationSize (int): The number of experiments per replicate. A positive integer.

replicates (int): The number of replicates. A non-negative integer. The total number of experiments per design generation is populationSize * (replicates + 1).

space (dict): The experimental space definition. The required items for the space dict are:

type (str): The type of the space, a string, either "factorial" or "mixture".

totalUnits (int): For "mixture" type spaces, this is the mixture constraint parameter, a non-negative integer.

table (dict): The (optional) column headers and rows of parameter data. See an example below. the colHeaders value is ignored when importing or validating the experimental space definition.

To maintain uniformity, header and data row elements should be Python strings, even if they represent numeric values.

For "mixture" type spaces, there should only be 4 columns of data in each row: the name of the parameter, the type of the parameter (which must always be the string "unit"), the minimum value of the parameter (a non-negative integer) and the maximum value of the parameter (a positive integer, less than or equal to the totalUnits constraint parameter).

For "factorial" type spaces, there must be at least 4 columns of data in each row: the name of the parameter, the type of the parameter (a string, either "numerical" or "categorical"), and at least two possible distinct values that the parameter can have in an experiment. Different parameters can have either 2 or more than 2 possible values. The rows must be all be of the same size, so make sure to pad the rows with fewer values with empty strings at the end.

In addition to the required params listed above, optional additional parameters may be submitted. Please contact daptics for more information about these advanced parameters.


Here is a mixture space design that will have enough combinations to be validated by the backend.

>>> params = {
    'populationSize': 30,
    'replicates': 2,
    'space': {
        'type': 'mixture',
        'totalUnits': 25,
        'table': {
                [ 'Name', 'Type', 'Min', 'Max' ],
            'data': [
                [ 'param1', 'unit', '1', '10' ],
                [ 'param2', 'unit', '2', '10' ],
                [ 'param3', 'unit', '4', '8' ],
                [ 'param4', 'unit', '2', '5' ]

Here is a factorial space design that will have enough combinations to be validated by the backend.

>>> params = {
    'populationSize': 30,
    'replicates': 2,
    'space': {
        'type': 'factorial',
        'table': {
                [ 'Name', 'Type', 'Value.1', 'Value.2', 'Value.3', 'Value.4' ],
            'data': [
                [ 'param1', 'numerical', '0', '1', '2', '3' ],
                [ 'param2', 'numerical', '2', '3',  '',  '' ],
                [ 'param3', 'numerical', '0', '1', '2',  '' ],
                [ 'param4', 'numerical', '0', '1', '2', '3' ]
Method put_experimental_parameters_csv

def put_experimental_parameters_csv(self, fname, params)

Validates the experimental parameters at the beginning of a session, and starts a "space" task. The individual experimental parameter names, types and permissible values in the space definition are read from a CSV file.


fname (str): The location on the filesystem for a CSV file that will define the experimental space definition. See the Examples section below for an example.

params (dict): A Python dict containing the experimental parameters to be used for the session. See the Notes section for more information.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a putExperimentalParameters item. The putExperimentalParameters value is a Python dict with information about the "space" task.


csv.Error If the specified CSV file is incorrectly formatted.


If the task was successfully started, the task information is stored in the client's task_info attribute.

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "space" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['putExperimentalParameters']['result'].

See the documentation on the "space" task result in the poll_for_current_task method for information on the CSV file generated if the auto_export_path option is set.

Items for the params dict are:

populationSize (int): The number of experiments per replicate. A positive integer.

replicates (int): The number of replicates. A non-negative integer. The total number of experiments per design generation is populationSize * (replicates + 1).

space (dict): The experimental space definition. The single required item for the space dict is:

type (str): "factorial" or "mixture"

In addition to the required params listed above, optional additional parameters may be submitted. Please contact daptics for more information about these advanced parameters.


Here is a space design that will have enough combinations to be validated by the backend.

>>> params = {
    'populationSize': 30,
    'replicates': 2,
    'space': {
        'type': 'factorial',

The contents of an example CSV file for a "factorial" space might be:


Each parameter row in a factorial space definition should have the same number of columns. Parameter rows with fewer than the maximum number of values should have the empty columns at the end of the row, as shown above.

The contents of an example CSV file for a "mixture" space might be:


Each parameter fow in a mixture space defintion must specify a minimum and maximum unit volume, as shown above.

Do not supply a header row for the space definition (for any type), just the parameter rows.

Method put_experiments

def put_experiments(self, experiments_type, experiments)

Validate the responses for designed experiments, and any extra experiments for the current generation in the session. This method, or the put_experiments_responses_csv method, must be called before generating the next design, or finalizing the campaign.


experiments_type (DapticsExperimentsType): Describes the types of experiments that are being added to the session.

If you wish to submit calibrating or existing experimental responses prior to the first design generartion, use INITIAL_EXTRAS_ONLY.

If you are submitting the responses for a daptics-generated design, along with any extra experiments, use DESIGNED_WITH_OPTIONAL_EXTRAS.

If you wish to submit any final extra experiments when you are satisified with the session's optimization but do not want to include the last generated experimental design use FINAL_EXTRAS_ONLY. Note that this will end the session's optimization and that no more designs will be generated.

experiments (dict): A "table" of experiments that includes columns, defined in the colHeaders value of the table, for each of the defined space parameters, and a column named 'Response' to record the result of experiments.

Each row in the data value for the table represents an individual experiment.

If the experiments type is DESIGNED_WITH_OPTIONAL_EXTRAS, you must sumbit at least as many rows as exist in the currently generated design, and the parameter values for these rows must match the design exactly. Additional "extra" experiment rows, that use any valid experimental parameter values, can also be provided.

For the INITIAL_EXTRAS_ONLY and FINAL_EXTRAS_ONLY experiments types, rows that use any valid experimental parameter values can be provided.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a putExperiments item. The putExperiments value will contain information on the "update" task that was started, as described in the return value for the poll_for_current_task method.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.


If the task was successfully started, the task information is stored in the client's task_info attribute.

If the experiments were successfully validated, the following actions may be automatically performed:

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "update" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['putExperiments']['result'].

If the auto_generate_next_design option is set, a "generate" task is started, and the autoGenerateTask item of the putExperiments item will contain information on the "generate" task that was started.

If the auto_generate_next_design AND auto_task_timeout options are set, the "generate" task will be polled until it completes, fails, or times out. If the "generate" task completes, the generated design can be accessed at data['putExperiments']['autoGenerateTask']['result']['experiments']. See the documentation for the poll_for_current_task for more information.

See the documentation on the "update" and "generate" task results in the poll_for_current_task method for information on the CSV files generated if the auto_export_path option is set.


Here's an expamle of an experiments table:

>>> experiments = {
    'colHeaders': ['param1', 'param2', 'param3', 'param4', 'Response'],
    'data': [
        ['0', '4', '1', '1', '3.25'],
        ['1', '4', '1', '1', '4.5'],
        ... etc, matching generated design rows
Method put_experiments_csv

def put_experiments_csv(self, experiments_type, fname)

Validate the responses for designed experiments, and any extra experiments for the current generation in the session. This method, or the put_experiments_responses method, must be called before generating the next design, or finalizing the campaign.


experiments_type (DapticsExperimentsType): Describes the types of experiments that are being added to the session.

If you wish to submit calibrating or existing experimental responses prior
to the first design generartion, use <code>INITIAL\_EXTRAS\_ONLY</code>.

If you are submitting the responses for a daptics-generated design, along
with any extra experiments, use <code>DESIGNED\_WITH\_OPTIONAL\_EXTRAS</code>.

If you wish to submit any final extra experiments when you are satisified
with the session's optimization but do not want to include the last
generated experimental design use <code>FINAL\_EXTRAS\_ONLY</code>. Note that this
will end the session's optimization and that no more designs will be

fname (str): The location on the filesystem for a CSV file that will define the results of the designed and any extra experiments. See the Examples section below for an example.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a putExperiments item. The putExperiments value will contain information on the "update" task that was started, as described in the return value for the poll_for_current_task method.


If the experiments were successfully validated, the following actions may be automatically performed:

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "update" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['putExperiments']['result'].

If the auto_generate_next_design option is set, a "generate" task is started, and the autoGenerateTask item of the putExperiments item will contain information on the "generate" task that was started.

If the auto_generate_next_design AND auto_task_timeout options are set, the "generate" task will be polled until it completes, fails, or times out. If the "generate" task completes, the generated design can be accessed at data['putExperiments']['autoGenerateTask']['result']['experiments']. See the documentation for the poll_for_current_task for more information.

See the documentation on the "update" and "generate" task results in the poll_for_current_task method for information on the CSV files generated if the auto_export_path option is set.


A header row must be provided, the columns in the header row must match the names of the parameters defined by the experimental space definition exactly, and a final column named Response must be filled with the results of each experiment row.


Each non-header row in the file represents an individual experiment. There must be at least as many experiment rows as the current design has, and the parameter values for these rows must match the design exactly. Additional "extra" experiment rows can also be provided.

Method random_experiment_for_space

def random_experiment_for_space(self, space, max_response_value=None)

Uses a random number generator to select parameter values and optionally to create a random response value.


space (dict): A Python dict that defines the experimental space.

max_response_value (float, optional): If omiited, the experiment is generated with an empty response. If a number, the response value is a randomly generated number in the range [0.0, max_response_value].


experiment (list): The list of randomly generated parameter values for an experiment, and the optionally generated response value. Each value is encoded as a string. If max_response_value is not given, the response value will be the empty string.

Method random_experiments_with_responses

def random_experiments_with_responses(self, space, design, num_extras=0, max_response_value=5.0)

Generates an experiments table where each experiment row contains a randomly generated response value. The experiment rows are optionally composed of "designed" rows and "extra" rows. The "designed" rows have one experiment row for each row in the currently generated design. And the "extra" rows contain randomly generated parameter values as well as responses.


space (dict): A Python dict that defines the experimental space.

design (dict, optional): If supplied, a Python dict that defines the currently generated design as a table. The dict has colHeaders and data items.

num_extras: int, optional If non-zero, generate this number of extra rows. The extra rows will be appended to any designed rows.

max_response_value (float): The maximum value for generated responses. Each genreated response value is a randomly generated number in the range [0.0, max_response_value].


table (dict): A Python dict with colHeaders and data values, representing an experiments table.

Method random_parameter_value

def random_parameter_value(self, space_type, param)

Uses a random number generator to select a parameter value that is valid for the space type and specified parameter definition.


space_type (str): The space type, either "mixture" or "factorial".

param (list): The row from the experimental space definition table that defines a particular parameter in the space (name, type, and min / max or allowed values for the parameter). Each element in the list is encoded as a string.


param_value (str): A valid value for the parameter, encoded as a string.

Method reconnect_session

def reconnect_session(self, session_id)

Finds an existing session and returns session information.


session_id (str): The session id to find.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a session item. The session value is a Python dict containing information about the session's name, description, experimental space parameters, experiments history, and any active tasks.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.


Sets client attributes for the reconnected session.

Method run_task_async

def run_task_async(self, document, vars)

Performs validation on the GraphQL mutation document and then executes the query, returning both the data and errors items from the JSON response. Before submitting the query, a "taskUpdated" subscription is set up, and the asynchronous loop processes subscription data messages, eventually passing task progress and status information to the coroutine specified by the client's task_updated_coroutine attribute.

Method save

def save(self, fname)

Saves the user and session id to a JSON file.


fname (str): The file path to save the client state to.


There is nothing returned by this method.

Method simulate_experiment_responses

def simulate_experiment_responses(self, experiments=None)

Generates values for the "Response" column. The values are a substitute for actual experimental results, computed with a synthetic data generator that takes as an input each experiment (i.e. each row of the experiments argument) and gives as output a single number, added as a 'Response'. The data generator samples a complex surface, constructed to have several peaks that are randomly placed in the space. There is a global optimum (highest peak), but optimization runs often will find one of the lower peaks.


experiments (dict): An optional "table" of experiments that includes columns, defined in the colHeaders value of the table, for each of the defined space parameters, and a column named 'Response' to record the result of experiments.

Each row in the data value for the table represents an individual experiment. If experiments is set to None, and a generated design exists in the session (gen number is greater than zero), simulated responses for the design will be created and returned. It is an error to set experiments to None if no design has been generated in the session (gen number is less than or equal to zero).


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a simulateExperiments item. See the documentation for the get_experiments method for a description of the values returned.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.

Method simulate_experiment_responses_csv

def simulate_experiment_responses_csv(self, fname)

Generates values for the "Response" column. The values are a substitute for actual experimental results, computed with a synthetic data generator that takes as an input each experiment (i.e. each row of the experiments argument) and gives as output a single number, added as a 'Response'. The data generator samples a complex surface, constructed to have several peaks that are randomly placed in the space. There is a global optimum (highest peak), but optimization runs often will find one of the lower peaks.


fname (str): The location on the filesystem for a CSV file that will define the parameters for designed and any extra experiments.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a simulateExperiments item.

Method space_table_column_names

def space_table_column_names(self, space)

Generates the canonically formatted column header names for the experimental space table.


space (dict): A Python dict that defines the experimental space.


column_headers (list): A list of strings to build the column header for an experimental space. The list will contain "Name", "Type", "Min" and "Max" for a "mixture" space, or "Name", "Type", "Value.1", "Value.2", etc. for a "factorial" space.

Method space_table_value_column_name

def space_table_value_column_name(self, space_type, i)

Formats a single column name for the header row in an experimental space table.


space_type (str): "mixture" or "factorial"

i (int): Index of the value column (starting at zero).


column_name (str): "Min" or "Max" for a "mixture" space type, or "Value.1", "Value.2", etc. for a "factorial" space type.

Method start_simulation

def start_simulation(self, ngens, params)

Starts a simulation task for several design generations, specifying the desired experimental parameters and the number of generations to run.


ngens (int): The number of generations to attempt to design. Must be greater than zero. If the experimental space is exhausted the actual number of generations designed may be less than this number.

params (dict): A Python dict containing the experimental parameters to be used for the session. See the Notes section that describes the required items for the params dict.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a runSimulation item. The runSimulation value contains information on the "simulate" task that was started, as described in the return value for the poll_for_current_task method.


GraphQLError If no data was returned by the query request, a GraphQLError is raised, containing the message for the first item in the GraphQL response's errors list.


Items to be specified in the params dict are:

populationSize (int): The number of experiments per replicate. A positive integer.

replicates (int): The number of replicates. A non-negative integer. The total number of experiments per design generation is populationSize * (replicates + 1).

space (dict): The experimental space definition. Items in the space dict are:

type (str): The type of the space, a string, either "factorial" or "mixture".

totalUnits (int): For "mixture" type spaces, this is the mixture constraint parameter, a non-negative integer.

table (dict): The (optional) column headers and rows of parameter data. See an example below. the colHeaders value is ignored when importing or validating the experimental space definition.

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "simulate" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['runSimulation']['result'].

See the documentation on the "simulate" task result in the poll_for_current_task method for information on the CSV file generated if the auto_export_path option is set.

For more examples of how to submit space parameters, please see the documentation for the put_experimental_parameters method.

Method start_simulation_csv

def start_simulation_csv(self, ngens, fname, params)

Run a simulation for several design generations, specifying the desired experimental parameters and the number of generations to run. The experimental space is read from a CSV file. If the space parameters are successfully validated a "simulate" task is started.


ngens (int): The number of generations to attempt to design. Must be greater than zero. If the experimental space is exhausted the actual number of generations designed may be less than this number.

fname (str): The location on the filesystem for a CSV file that will define the experimental space definition. See the Examples section below for an example.

params (dict): A Python dict containing the experimental parameters to be used for the session. See the Notes section that describes the required items for the params dict.


data (dict): The JSON response from the GraphQL request, a Python dict with a runSimulation item. The runSimulation value will contain information on the "simulate" task that was started, as described in the return value for the poll_for_current_task method.


csv.Error If the specified CSV file is incorrectly formatted.


Items to be specified in the params dict are:

populationSize (int): The number of experiments per replicate. A positive integer.

replicates (int): The number of replicates. A non-negative integer. The total number of experiments per design generation is populationSize * (replicates + 1).

space (dict): The experimental space definition. Items in the space dict are:

type (str): The type of the space, a string, either "factorial" or "mixture".

totalUnits (int): For "mixture" type spaces, this is the mixture constraint parameter, a non-negative integer.

If the auto_export_path option is set, a CSV file of each generation of simulated experiments is saved at auto_genN_experiments.csv.

If the auto_task_timeout option was set to a positive or negative number, the task will be retried until a result is obtained or the task failed, or the timeout is exceeded. If the "simulate" task completes successfully, the result of the task can be accessed at data['runSimulation']['result'].

See the documentation on the "simulate" task result in the poll_for_current_task method for information on the CSV file generated if the auto_export_path option is set.

For more examples of how to submit space parameters, please see the documentation for the put_experimental_parameters method.

Method wait_for_current_task

def wait_for_current_task(self, task_type=None, timeout=None)

Wraps poll_for_current_task in a loop. Repeat until task disappears, when status is success, failed, or canceled.


task_type (DapticsTaskType, optional): SPACE, UPDATE, GENERATE, SIMULATE, ANALYTICS, or None. If None is supplied (the default), find the most recently started task of any type.

timeout (float, optional): Maximum number of seconds to wait. If None or a negative number, wait forever.


data (dict): The data item of the GraphQL response, a Python dict with a currentTask item, described below.

errors (list): The errors item of the GraphQL response. Each item in the list is guaranteed to have a message item.


Either data or errors may be None.

See the documentation on the poll_for_current_task method for more information about the data item returned for different types of tasks, and for how task completion affects attributes of the client instance.

Class DapticsExperimentsType

class DapticsExperimentsType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Enumerates the purpose for the experiments that are being uploaded to the session via the put_experiments or put_experiments_csv methods.

Class variables


The experiments submitted are designed experiments, and may also include optional extra experiments.


Indicates that the experiments being submitted are final experiments. Not used in current API version.


The experiments submitted are initial experiments. No designed experiments are included.

Class DapticsTaskType

class DapticsTaskType(value, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1)

Enumerates the different asynchronous tasks that the daptics system can create and that can be searched for using the poll_for_current_task or wait_for_current_task methods.

Class variables


A task that generates analytics files at the current generation.


The task type to be searched was created by the generate_design method.


A task that simulates a given number of experimental generations.

Variable SPACE

The task type to be searched was created by the put_experimental_parameters or put_experimental_parameters_csv methods.

Variable UPDATE

The task type to be searched was created by the put_experiments or put_experimens_csv methods.

Class GraphQLError

class GraphQLError(message)

An error raised by converting the first item in the errors item of the GraphQL response.

Class IncompatibleApiError

class IncompatibleApiError(client_version_required)

An error raised if the API at host is not compatible with this client.

Class InvalidConfigError

class InvalidConfigError(path)

An error raised if the option configuration file cannot be parsed.

Class InvalidExperimentsTypeError

class InvalidExperimentsTypeError(experiments_type)

An error raised if the type of experiments is not a valid type.

Class InvalidSpaceParameterError

class InvalidSpaceParameterError(space_type, param)

An error raised if the specified experimental space parameters are missing or invalid.

Class InvalidTaskTypeError

class InvalidTaskTypeError(task_type)

An error raised if the task type specified was not a valid type.

Class MissingConfigError

class MissingConfigError(path)

An error raised if the option configuration file cannot be found.

Class NextGenerationError

class NextGenerationError(gen)

An error raised if the generation number specified is not the next generation number for the session.

Class NoCredentialsError

class NoCredentialsError()

An error raised if no login credentials were specified.

Class NoCurrentTaskError

class NoCurrentTaskError()

An error raised if no current task could be found, when one was expected.

Class NoHostError

class NoHostError()

An error raised if no host value was specified.

Class SessionParametersNotValidatedError

class SessionParametersNotValidatedError()

An error raised if the method cannot be completed, because the experimental space parameters for the session have not been saved and validated yet.

Class SpaceOrDesignRequiredError

class SpaceOrDesignRequiredError()

An error raised if neither an experimental space nor an experimental design was submitted for generating random experiments.

Class TaskFailedError

class TaskFailedError(type_)

An error raised if a completed task did not return a valid result.

Class TaskTimeoutError

class TaskTimeoutError()

An error raised if a task was not completed within the specified timeout.

Class TokenAuth

class TokenAuth()

A callable authentication object for the Python requests moudule. If the token attribute is set, the __call__ method will insert an "Authorization" header with a "Bearer" token into the HTTP request.


token (str): An access token obtained from the API for the authenticated user.

Generated by pdoc 0.9.2 (